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  • Writer's pictureColin Cris Celestial

Bread and Wine

Flash Fiction - Bread and Wine

He lifted the bread to give it the meaning of a resemblance to himself. He parted it after blessing it and looked at us, who are all of his apostles.

"Take, eat; this is my body." He said.

As the pair of our eyes watch Him, I cannot help but remember how he showered us with all of his love. He gave his trust with no doubt.

He is the son of God who gets through many obstacles for the living creations of the Lord above.

"This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." Jesus continued while also lifting the cup of wine.

He offered us all of those to remember him.

Then he looked at me, offering the last piece of bread that was dipped in his blood.

Looking at his eyes, I remember my name.

I, Judas Iscariot, am the betrayer of Jesus Christ.


Flash Fiction Title: Bread and Wine - A piece remembering Christ's last supper before his crucification

Written by Colin Cris Celestial




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