The Little Monster

Sharp—curious eyes roaming around,
got a target with suspicious movements,
slowly crawling like a hangry predator,
ready to attack with a deadly stance,
Vicious claws are out like sabers.
Moving forward faster than a poisonous snake
towards the poor thing who doesn't feel any threat
that awaits from this scary monster.
One scratch is more than enough.
For blood to spread and scatter
everywhere and elsewhere it'll stain
a horror scene that one will not wish to get
If messed with this thing that vibrates
that growls like an engine of cars,
has no brakes when hunting a prey,
too ruthless to deserve countless treats and pets.
Big and feisty attitude—hard to control
Yet wicked deeds are tolerated out of aggression.
With the cuteness that is overload from its presence
and the softness of the fur, like a pillow to sleep on.
A monster that's little from one's vision
with the strong persistence to sit where it fits in
be threatened as it can steal the whole part of the bed and your partner.
Get ready for its small beauty with the power of manipulation.