The Best Season

If love would be a season,
I wish it to caress my entirety.
For I've never been so plain,
Without its touch.
I wish it ablaze and glows,
When the frozen soul needs a thaw,
Illuminating what darkness stole,
Captivating wanderer's endeavor.
Could it embrace me like the fall?
Swaying me like a dead leaf to a grassy shore,
Taking me to places, bright, bursting with colors.
I'm alive after all.
Let it invade me like the winter.
As white as the breeze's slither,
Let the snowflakes kiss me with emotions,
As the pillars of the North sound melodies.
If love is a spring, sprout is my favorite,
For it roots hope and blooms faith,
And when the countenance of growth appears,
The blossomed tenderness never dies.
For every earth's phase is different leaves.
For every world's rotation is a different sky.
But love is every season,
And for every season, love is love.
Young Pilipinas Poetry