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  • Writer's pictureColin Cris Celestial

New Hope With The New Leaders

Having a new set of leaders means having new changes in our lives. Our future still depends on ourselves, but the new set of leaders will have a huge impact on how our future will go.

Politics is already inseparable from one's life. As the majority chose the new set of leaders, they now have the power to execute their leadership in a wider range of situations.

As citizens, we must contribute to their leadership through various ways as listed below.

1. Support Them

New leaders cannot be in the position they desire without the support of the citizens. Electing them should not stop from there.

We must support them in a way that we have common goals with them, which is all about the betterment of the nation. If their goals are for our good and for our better future, we must not oppose without basis.

2. Don't Just Go Against

The new set of leaders may not be our choice, but we should not express dismays and go against them with whatever their plans for us. Rebellion, violence and social media ranting won't bring us anywhere we want, especially if that is all what we do.

Elected officials are mandated by not just the majority but as well by the rest of the people. We need to put the trust and respect in whoever elected by the majority.

3. Participate

Participation is a way to support the government and your local community. We can participate in nation-building through the government and non-government organizations activities. Imagine if every capable citizen will build and help other people in need of assistance, we can build our nation stronger and faster.

4. Communicate With Them

Be a concerned individual by observing and addressing concerns.

Our leaders are not all-knowing people. They are humans too. We need to address issues and problems that they don't see or haven't been seen.

5. Be With Them

We all experience hardships and problems. Every citizen, especially leaders, would want to solve problems. Problems should not be pointed to our leaders. We have contributions to our problems.

Be with our leaders in nation-building. This need not be in person with them. We can participate in solving problems in simplest form. Simply obeying laws, ordinances and rules, and listening to our leaders are ways of expressing that we are with our government.



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