I'm Your Man

I swear to the Lord watching above,
that I will give all my love,
to you my dearest sweetheart,
and I won't tear your heart apart.
I, your husband, will respect you,
it's you, my wife who I pursue,
taking off the beautiful dress you wear,
but I'll wear it back to you, my love, I swear.
I, the man you chose to be with,
already feeling high like I take weed,
this jovial feeling is likely the collision,
of sun and moon that is beyond imagination.
Hold my hand and show me your smile,
I rather face the challenges with you even it will took a mile,
to surpass the obstacles but just be mine,
then hold to me my love and I will be fine.
I will be there for you, for richer or poorer,
just stay with me and wonder,
let me be your knight and shining armor—your savior,
and I will cherish, admire, and protect you forever.