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  • Writer's pictureColin Cris Celestial

How to Win Back Friends After Elections

The 2022 Philippine Presidential Elections has been one of the most divisive events in recent history, leaving many friendships strained or broken due to political differences.

Social media has become a battleground for political propaganda, including fake news and heated debates. It's a challenging time for everyone, but it's important to remember that democracy thrives on diverse opinions and respect for others' views.

So, how can we repair damaged relationships and bring back the harmony? Here are five tips to help you win back friends after the elections:

1. Break the wall and reach out. Don't let pride get in the way of your friendship. Initiate the conversation and let them know that you value your relationship more than your political differences.

2. Agree to disagree - accept and respect. It's okay to have opposing views. Instead of trying to change their minds, respect their perspective and focus on finding common ground.

3. Apologize. If you said or did something hurtful during the election season, own up to your mistakes and apologize. It takes courage to admit when you're wrong, and it can go a long way in repairing your relationship.

4. Focus on common ground. Find shared interests outside of politics, and enjoy each other's company without bringing up political issues.

5. If nothing worked out, show love to your country in your own way. Remember that democracy is not just about winning, but also about the collective effort to improve our nation. Channel your energy into positive actions that will make a difference in your community.

In the words of Plato, "At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet." Let us all be poets and spread love and respect for our fellow citizens, regardless of their political beliefs. Democracy is about coming together to build a better future for all.



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