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  • Writer's pictureMarjorie Lumapas

Getting to Know: Assessing your Love Match Compatibility

Getting to Know: Assessing your Love Match Compatibility by Marjorie Lumapas

Got Valentine's Day plans like a blind date? Everyone has their specific type when it comes to attraction. Once you feel the spark, how well do you both match?

Some people recommend asking about zodiac signs if the relationship would work out or not. But, is it a good idea to explore other love match compatibility aspects, like knowing each other's likes or dislikes? Here's a list to help break the ice on your first date.

1. Are you both love match compatible with zodiac signs?

It's often suggested that Leo and Sagittarius make a good match because both are fire signs known for their passion, especially when it comes to traveling the world and seeking out extreme adventures. Meanwhile, Gemini and Scorpio might require more understanding and support in their relationship dynamics, given their differing approaches; Gemini tends to be more laid-back while Scorpio delves deeper into situations.

Some individuals even delve into astrology beyond the sun sign, incorporating moon and rising signs to gain insight into a person's core, emotions, and overall vibe. By exchanging zodiac signs, people aim to glean a glimpse into the personality traits and compatibility of those they're conversing with.

2. In or out

Starting a conversation by asking about someone's likes or dislikes is often recommended to break the ice. It helps to gauge shared interests or areas where you might have differences to explore. From there, you can plan future dates that cater to both of your preferences. It's also a chance to introduce new experiences to the person. Remember to take notes during the conversation so you can impress your potential partner with your attentiveness!

3. The trendiest personality indicator

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely recognized assessment based on the personality theories of psychiatrist Carl Jung. It categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types, each determined by preferences in four key areas: introversion/extroversion, intuition/sensing, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving.

While MBTI helps individuals understand their preferences and tendencies, it also provides insights into compatibility between different personality types. For instance, an ISTJ might find synergy with an ISFJ despite both being introverted, as their differing preferences in the third trait still allow for harmonious interaction.

4. Your love expression

In Gary Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages," he outlines five distinct ways individuals express love: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts. However, not all expressions of love may resonate with everyone, as each person may have their preferred way of feeling loved.

It's important to recognize that individuals may have more than one love language, and the ways they express love may differ from what makes them feel loved in return. For example, someone may primarily show love through acts of service but feel most loved when receiving physical touch. Nonetheless, your future partner must know how to value you!

5. What’s on repeat

Creating a playlist for your partner can be a thoughtful gesture, but did you know that your music preferences can reveal insights into your personality? A study conducted by the University of Texas sheds light on how different music genres correlate with certain personality traits.

For example, individuals who enjoy Country, pop, religious, or soundtrack music tend to exhibit extraverted and conscientious traits. They often perceive themselves as affluent and attractive. Therefore, when you inquire about your date's music taste, you're learning about their musical preferences and gaining insights into their character to assess your love match compatibility.


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