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  • Writer's pictureNeil Gregori Garen

Five ways to resist the 'deserve ko 'to' mentality and save up

Five ways to resident the 'deserve ko 'to' mentality and save up

Ever caught yourself thinking, “Deserve ko ‘to” when eyeing a new purchase? How often do you find yourself blaming friends or social media for pushing you towards spontaneous buys? It’s common to feel that you’ve earned a treat, but this mindset can quickly derail your savings goals.

The pressure from those around you and the constant need for justification can lead to spending without actually adding to your savings. Instead of falling into this trap, here are five practical strategies to help you stay financially disciplined and resist that impulsive urge to splurge:

Shift your mindset: deserve to save

Instead of using “Deserve ko ‘to” to justify splurging on luxury items or dining out, shift your focus to what you truly deserve: financial security. Saving for significant future goals—like a house, an emergency fund, or a dream vacation—will provide lasting satisfaction far beyond any fleeting indulgence.

Set clear financial goals

Setting clear financial goals is essential but often easier said than done. Start by defining what you’re saving for, whether it’s ₱50,000 for a dream vacation or ₱100,000 for an emergency fund. Visualizing these goals helps you stay disciplined and focused. Each peso you save brings you closer to achieving them, making it easier to resist the temptation of spending on fleeting pleasures.

To stay on track, consider watching YouTube videos or exploring other resources on effective saving strategies and financial discipline. There are numerous tips available, so choose the ones that best suit your situation and needs. By focusing on your goals, you’ll find it easier to say no to unnecessary expenses and stay committed to your savings plan.

Create a budget for treats for meaningful deserve ko to

Treating yourself occasionally is natural and can be a part of a balanced financial plan. Instead of feeling guilty when you indulge, set up a monthly “treat fund” or whatever you prefer to call it. Allocate a small, reasonable amount of money for those moments when you feel you truly deserve a little something special. By budgeting for treats, you can satisfy your cravings without jeopardizing your savings. However, be cautious not to let this treat fund become a way to de-stress; it’s important to manage it wisely so that you don’t end up stressed by the lack of savings.

Pause before purchasing

Next time you feel the urge to say “Deserve ko ‘to” while reaching for your wallet, take a step back. Implement a cooling-off period of at least 24 hours, or even a week or a pay period. Avoid pressuring yourself with promotions or sales you see on billboards, social media, or shopping apps. Don’t normalize or romanticize impulse buying. This pause gives you time to reconsider whether you truly need the item or if it’s simply an impulse buy. More often than not, you’ll find that it’s not worth the expense after all.

Track your spending habits

Tracking your spending habits can be a real eye-opener. By reviewing your purchases over a few weeks, you can identify how many were driven by the “Deserve ko ‘to” mentality. This awareness helps you see how much you’re spending on unnecessary indulgences, making it easier to cut back and save for more important goals.

Using credit cards can simplify this process—just check your account statement to assess your spending patterns and adjust your budget accordingly.

Again, resisting the “Deserve ko ‘to” mentality doesn’t mean you should never enjoy life’s little pleasures. It’s about finding the right balance. By shifting your focus towards long-term goals and practicing mindful spending, you can indulge wisely without compromising your financial future. Remember, using spending as a way to de-stress may ultimately lead to more stress in the long run.

Time is your friend; impulse is your enemy. - John C. Bogle

Keep learning with me and stay updated with my regular Smart Garen Tips by following my Facebook page: Neil Gregori Garen.




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