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  • Writer's pictureNeil Gregori Garen

Financial Lessons from Filipino Mothers: 5 Essential Tips for Young Professionals

Financial Lessons from Filipino Mothers: 5 Essential Tips for Young Professionals by Neil Gregori Garen

Growing up in a Filipino household, financial lessons were as much a part of my upbringing as family gatherings and home-cooked meals. My Filipino mother's wisdom on saving money has stuck with me into my young professional life, proving to be invaluable despite my initial reluctance.

Drawing from my Filipino mother's oft-repeated advice, here are five financial lessons that have influenced my financial habits, steering me towards a more secure future.

Prioritize Savings - Most Filipino Mother's Number 1 Financial Lesson to Young Professionals

From childhood, my mother ingrained in me the value of saving money. She stressed the necessity of treating savings like any other essential expense, ensuring that I consistently allocated a portion of my income for the future.

While I occasionally stumbled due to unnecessary expenses, my mother's persistent reminders prevented me from straying too far off course.

Embrace Well-planned Shopping Habits

My mother's approach to shopping was always deliberate and calculated. She taught me the importance of planning trips to the market and creating a detailed shopping list before heading out.

By taking the time to research estimated prices online and familiarizing myself with the range of goods and products from previous grocery trips, I've become adept at budgeting effectively. This proactive approach not only helps me avoid impulse buys but also allows me to take advantage of discounts and stretch my budget further without compromising on quality.

Homemade Cooking

My mom always emphasized the importance of cooking from scratch. It's not only healthier and safer; when you prepare your food, you know it's clean. Plus, it saves money compared to dining out or ordering takeout online all the time. While it takes more time and effort, the benefits for both your wallet and well-being are clear.

Order from online apps or call directly only when you're truly exhausted or for special occasions. Avoid making it a regular habit.

Practice "Tingi" Buying to Reduce Waste

My mother's habit of purchasing items in small portions, known as "tingi," has instilled in me a sense of mindfulness towards waste and expenses. This approach involves buying only what is immediately needed, thereby minimizing the likelihood of food spoilage and unnecessary spending on items that may go unused and eventually expire. While it may appear inconvenient initially, the long-term benefits of savings and environmental consciousness far outweigh any temporary inconvenience.

Embrace Resourcefulness and Creativity

Finally, my mother's knack for repurposing and reusing items has encouraged me to think creatively about consumption. Whether it's finding new uses for old clothes or DIYing home decor from recycled materials, I've learned that there are often cost-effective alternatives to buying something new. This mindset not only saves money but also promotes sustainability.

It took some time for me to fully appreciate the significance of saving money, but I am grateful to have a mother who consistently emphasized its importance. Her teachings have become a guiding light in my journey towards financial responsibility, and I strive to honor her wisdom by incorporating it into my daily life.

Embracing her timeless money-saving advice isn't just about saving money—it's about honoring her wisdom and perpetuating the legacy of financial prudence she instilled in me from a young age.


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