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  • Writer's pictureNeil Gregori Garen

Dragon Ball Dreams: 5 Reasons We'll Forever Thank Akira Toriyama

Dragon Ball Z Akira Toriyama
Photo courtesy of TOEI

As we fondly remember the Dragon Ball series, we also pay homage to its visionary creator, Akira Toriyama, who sadly passed away on March 8, 2024. Toriyama's legacy extends far beyond the pages of his manga, reaching the hearts of those who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, like myself, and continuing to captivate younger generations, including Gen Z. Let's explore five reasons why Dragon Ball made our childhoods an exhilarating adventure, while acknowledging Toriyama's profound impact on us all.

Epic Battles and Superpowers

Toriyama's imaginative battles and awe-inspiring superpowers left an indelible mark on those of us who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s. We eagerly emulated Goku, Vegeta, and their friends, imitating their signature moves during playtime, whether it was unleashing a Kamehameha in the backyard, countering with Vegeta's Galick Gun or mimicking Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon.

Memorable Characters and Relationships

The vibrant characters and their complex relationships deeply resonated with us. Whether it was Goku's earnestness, Vegeta's arrogance, or Bulma's outspokenness, each character held our attention with their individual characteristics and motivations. We formed deep bonds with these characters, seeing reflections of our own struggles and triumphs mirrored in their experiences. Our varied preferences were influenced by the diverse array of characters, each with their own distinct attitudes and personalities. The intricate conflicts of attitudes and character dynamics within the anime were crafted with sophistication.

Sense of Adventure and Exploration

Dragon Ball sparked our imaginations with its sense of adventure and exploration. We embarked on our own quests for adventure, inspired by Goku and his friends' journey to find the Dragon Balls. Toriyama's richly imagined world invited us to explore mystical landscapes and encounter fantastical creatures, igniting our sense of wonder.

Dragon Ball's Themes of Friendship and Perseverance

Toriyama's emphasis on friendship and perseverance struck a chord with us as we faced the hurdles of youth. From Goku and his companions, we gleaned essential life lessons on loyalty, resilience, and unwavering resolve, principles that remain steadfast guides into adulthood. Moreover, Dragon Ball fostered cherished memories of camaraderie among childhood friends, as we eagerly engaged in imaginative play after school or during breaks, even if it occasionally earned us reprimands from concerned teachers for our enthusiastic mimicry.

The Lasting Impact of Akira Toriyama through Dragon Ball

For those of us who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, Dragon Ball is synonymous with treasured childhood memories spent watching the series with friends and family. Now, as adults, we share those memories with younger generations, introducing Gen Z to the magic of Dragon Ball. Toriyama's legacy lives on through the nostalgia and lasting impact of Dragon Ball, bridging the gap between generations and inspiring new fans with its timeless story.

Akira Toriyama's boundless creativity, passion, and dedication have profoundly shaped our childhoods and continue to influence generations to come. While Toriyama's physical presence may be absent, his spirit thrives through Dragon Ball's enduring legacy, fostering connections among fans of all ages and inspiring limitless adventures on the horizon.

Thank you, Akira Toriyama, for giving us the gift of Dragon Ball and for enriching our lives with your unparalleled imagination. You will always be remembered and cherished by fans worldwide.



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