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  • Writer's pictureColin Cris Celestial

Clarita Carlos and Her Four Best Pieces of Advice

Clarita Carlos is a professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines with 55 years of experience.

Prof. Carlos considers becoming a teacher to be one of life's unforeseen consequences. She aspired to be an astronaut, but she believed that things sometimes coincide and lead to a decision that differs from what had been planned.

She received negative feedback from certain students as soon as she started teaching at the University of the Philippines. Despite being described as a "terror professor," she continues to guide and educate students for the betterment of their future.

She now wishes to pass on her wisdom and lessons to her inaanaks as a dedicated lecturer who has tackled several lessons in her class.

1. Go With The Flow

Although Prof. Clarita Carlos knew what she wanted to pursue, there were unexpected instances that changed how her journey would go. Instead of backing down, she didn't fight herself just to make the path straight to her chosen career. She believed that there were certain things that came together, and it led her to be a successful professor.

2. Being a Professor is a Passion

Prof. Clarita Carlos firmly believes that her becoming a professor is a passion and not a sacrifice. It conveys that she accepted it, and once it is accepted, it will be your passion as she pours her time and effort into being the best in that field.

So to her inaanaks, she wanted to instill that even if some things didn't go as planned, it is not a sacrifice if it is accepted. If one considered his or her profession as a sacrifice, it is like saying that it was like a burden.

3. Take it or leave it

In her teaching journey, Clarita Carlos has encountered many students who are willing and unwilling to learn genuinely. She knew that she had already tried to fulfill her duty as a professor, and it depended on the learners whether they took what she taught or not. So she won't force anything because it's the students' choice.

4. Anyone can contribute to the building of society to be better

As Prof. Clarita Carlos said, being a professor is just one of the professions. Anyone can be what they want to be. But the important thing is that anyone can flourish in their chosen profession, and by giving their best, they will contribute to the betterment of society.

So to her inaanaks, she wants to convey that they should be encouraged to be whatever they want to be.




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