5 Judith (Due Date) Bills of Every Juan

"Judith" has become a fun way of saying a bill's due date. In fact, there are a lot of Filipinos that make jokes about "Judith." Though as fun, as it may sound, it is still frustrating to see a bill arrive. But as responsible adults, we would have to go through the bills at some point. This is because, in skipping out on it, a big consequence will happen.
Bills pay for things that are necessities in our lives. If we miss paying those bills, some of the things we do daily might get affected. We might be unable to do what we do if we skip it. Some bills are considered to be a top priority in terms of payment. Some of those bills include:
Utilities are necessities in the home. These are your electric, water, and gas bills. These are important parts of your home because lacking one of them will give you a hard time when you are at home. The electricity runs most of the equipment you have at home. Water helps with cooking, cleaning the house, and baths. While Gas is for cooking and, in some cases, heating and drying.
Although not as necessary as utilities, the internet bill is now considered an important one. Having a good idea of what your internet is, your speed, and how much you are paying is very important. Due to the rise of technology, almost everything is run through the internet. From communications, entertainment, and even work, the internet is important in many people's lives.
You need a roof above your head. Your home is another bill that is paid monthly. This may come in many forms. Some people may be paying rent for the apartment or house they are staying in. While some people are paying for mortgage or real estate taxes for the house they are staying at. Whichever it may be, paying for your home is one of the things you pay for.
Your phone is your gateway to everything. That can be communication, entertainment, and even finding information. With the help of a phone, you can do many things wherever you are. As such, the phone bill is also an important bill to take note of. Some people enter into a postpaid plan where they pay a monthly fee for phone services. While some pay prepaid plans, where they pay purchase services as necessary.
Loan is a transaction where a person borrows money from a lender to use in whichever they need. Though not everyone might need to have it, some do. These loans are important to pay on time as they will affect your credit. Banks and other lending agencies have an internal system to determine a person's credit score. If someone doesn't pay on time or is always late, they might have a bad credit score, which can be bad in the long run as it might affect other loans that you may need.